Monday, December 30, 2024

Discovering the Who of Me - Part 1

I think we all end up in this place eventually. Maybe even more than once. 

Moments…a dark night of the soul perhaps…when we just don’t know who we are anymore. That or at minimum feel disconnected from a sense of purpose. 

I’ve been feeling this way recently. Aware of how busy life has become, running from work responsibilities to church responsibilities to family responsibilities …no time for self…just exhausted disorientation. 

Add to that some chapters coming to a close for others…creating wonderings if my chapters need to come to a close too…I’m confused about who I am in this season of life and if my doings need to change. 

So I’m taking a journey of discovery. I’m going to create little challenges for myself to reconnect and rediscover. 

Discovering the Who of Me…

“I think you should start writing again.”

 I wrote our Christmas letter for this holiday season. We decided to get more real with what we communicated so it was more than just the typical highlights. We decided to include how some of our paradigms have changed in the last year. 

1. A shift away from a punishment-oriented grid applied to the story of Jesus (more authentic New Covenant)

2. A critique of Christian nationalism that we see rising in the evangelical church

I know…nothing says Merry Happy Ho-Ho like a good boat-rocking. 😇

We received some feedback of course…some questioning, some affirming. Fine by me though!

When it was all said and done, my husband said that he thought I should start writing again. A little “real” in writing again. 

So…here goes. 

My Names

My first name means “princess”. Those who know me well would probably laugh at how that “shoe fits”. The meaning of a princess has changed w...